This was tougher than I thought it would be.
The journey from Evora to Lagos was as great as before, except I forgot to fuel up with diesel the night before (my golden rule), as you can’t just pull into any station when towing a 28 foot caravan. I was dangerously low when I finally saw a suitable station.
Arriving in Turiscampo brought back memories in a flood and Friday 13th was definitely my worst day. I woke up after a terrible night and said “she’s not here”. Being a minus 1, with 2 pluses all around is hard to get used to.

.. but I pushed myself to the beach and walked 5K and had a nice lunch. Joined the gym and actually went there twice! I met John and Joan Weston who were camped beside us each year and they invited me to his birthday drinks next Thursday. I have not yet started writing or trading – there’s plenty of time.

The campsite shows late at night are something I really look forward to. Tonight was Brazil night and I practiced trying to capture movement AND facial features. Took 200 shots to get this ONE. Tomorrow I plan another beach walk.