After stretch class I drove westward a short distance to Burgau Beach Cafe – another coffee spot for us. Then on to a surfer’s paradise at Zavial beach. There were some white clouds and a strong offshore breeze but still hot! I got quite wet taking the shot above!
Last night the Dutch couple opposite – Rob a retired cardiologist and Jose a retired teacher – invited me for Rose and chat. Rob was on my wavelength and we both read the same type of books. I invited them to my “awning” for drinks on Friday before they go home.
I did some trading after lunch, clothes washing, gym (chat with receptionist about how I was coping), dinner (large prawn kebabs with mushrooms pan fried in chilli rape seed oil), and now going to find something on Netflix. Have watched very little TV since I got here – well, let’s have a cup of tea and a nice biscuit. Hope you like the photos. XX.