I bought a mop and bucket to wash the floor of my caravan – it badly needed attention. Saturday morning was stretching class and a lunch treat at Luz Beach Cafe – Chicken Caesar salad. Seamas watched the rugby with me and I had a great chat and dinner at his motorhome with his wife Susan. We knew a lot of people in common.
After the Formula One, I took my camera and went exploring dirt tracks for photo opportunities and came across the dancing tree!! I gave it a little extra with Lightroom.
On my way back, on a deserted, bumpy and dusty track, I passed two girls and they waved for me to stop. They ran to my car and said they were completely lost and couldn’t get an Uber. I asked how they got lost and they said they walked the full length of Meia Praia beach. I asked them if they ended up at a pile of rocks and they said yes and continued over the rocks thinking they would find a way back and got completely lost on dirt tracks and were trying to get back to Lagos where they were staying.
When they asked for a lift to anywhere they could get an Uber, I hesitated, saw that they did look like tourists and gave them a lift as I was going back through Lagos. The ladies were musicians from Brazil and one of them, Dayse Simone, was a piano player in an orchestra and the other a violinist. They were about 10 km from Lagos and had walked for 5 hours when I picked them up.
Waiting for the Universe to reward my good deed.